Dear Hollywood,

First, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank you for the decades of entertainment in my life.  I appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes into it, from all the various people that makes movies and television shows what we get to enjoy.

That said … please stop with the remakes.  Yes, some of them turn out well – King Kong is a decent example.  But to remake Footloose?  Really?  That makes you look desperate and thinking you can only cash in on past hits.  What’s next?  Remaking The Breakfast Club?  Casablanca?  Fucking stop it already.  With every horrid remake you do (and you’ve done a LOT of horrid ones), respect for the industry is lost and you must know how hard it is to regain that respect, right?

Honestly, there are plenty of out of work writers that deserve a chance.  Take the risks – you never know what will turn into a huge hit.  Best selling novels are great, but there are writers out there who aren’t published writing some amazing stuff.  Why not looking through the National Novel Writing Month site, or ideas from fans at Archive of Our Own?  There are so many sites out there where amateur writers are posting their stories.  Even if the writing isn’t the ‘best’, some of the ideas are new and exciting.

I realize this is just one opinion from a very loyal movie fan.  But I know I’m not alone.  And remember, without movie fans – there’d be no more movie industry.

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